This article has been updated.
Create Script example
Date/Time fields can can have their values set by using the DefaultType property.
If DefaultType set to 6 then the field displays the Current Date/Time
DefaultType = 6;
If DefaultType set to 14 then the field displays the Current Date/Time plus 30 minutes
DefaultType = 14;
There is always more than one way of doing things.
We can find a general discussion of how to handle dates in ASP pages and script files in the article "
Add/Subtract Days to a Date and pass to a Record Object".
We can control the initial value of a screen by setting the DefaultValue property.
For example to set a field to the current date plus one week. We can enter the following in the Create script for the date/time field.
var mydate = new Date();
mydate.setDate(mydate.getDate() +7);
DefaultValue = mydate.getVarDate() ;
Workflow example When working with workflow rules, e.g. Primary and Transition rules we can set Date field values using the "
Set Column Value" action.
This action puts a value into a column. To set a Date/Time field to the current date/time then use the value 0. Any other integers entered here are treated as an offset from now. For example
30 = 30 minutes into future
10080 = 7 days into the future
129600 = 90 days (3 months) from now.