The Sage CRM StoredProc Data Type

Hints, Tips and Tricks

Technical Hints Tips and Tricks that cover customization and development using Sage CRM. API usage and coding are covered.

The Sage CRM StoredProc Data Type

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In the default system the StoredProc datatype is used to generate the reference id values for
  • Case_referenceid
  • Soln_referenceid
When a new record is created, these columns invoke a call to the a Stored procedure called: eware_default_values. This by default has the following definition. You will see from the code that it in turn calls another stored procedure called eware_get_identity_id.

I have mentioned the use of eWare_get_identy_id before in the article "How can I edit the RelatedCompaniesList?".

The eware_default_values stored procedure had the following code:

CREATE PROCEDURE eware_default_values
@table_name nvarchar(50),
@identity_name nvarchar(50),
@field_name nvarchar(50),
@logon_no int,
@extravalue nvarchar(50)='',
@default_value nvarchar(128)='' OUTPUT

/* Declare variables to be used */
DECLARE @unique_value int
SET @ErrorSave = 0

IF (@table_name='Cases') AND (@field_name = 'Case_ReferenceId')
EXEC @unique_value=eware_get_reference_id @table_name, @identity_name
SELECT @default_value=CONVERT(nvarchar(60),@logon_no)+'-'+RTrim(CONVERT(nvarchar(60),@unique_value))+@extravalue
ELSE IF (@table_name='Solutions') AND (@field_name = 'Soln_ReferenceId')
EXEC @unique_value=eware_get_reference_id @table_name, @identity_name
SELECT @default_value=CONVERT(nvarchar(60),@logon_no)+'-'+RTrim(CONVERT(nvarchar(60),@unique_value))+@extravalue
SELECT @default_value=''

-- Save any nonzero @@ERROR value.
IF (@@ERROR <> 0)
SET @ErrorSave = @@ERROR

-- Returns 0 if neither SELECT statement had
-- an error; otherwise, returns the last error.
RETURN @ErrorSave



The effect of the default StoredProc (eware_default_values) is to generate a number based on ID of the user creating the new Solution or Case plus the next value pulled back from the eware_get_identity_id stored procedure. You are able to change the pattern of the returned value as you need.

The stored procedure will only fire when the record is being created. This is much the same as trying to use the defaultvalue property of a field in a oncreate script in a screen.
From the above code you can see that the two tables Solutions and Cases are specifically mentioned. Therefore if you wish to use the StoredProc field type on another table then you will have to alter this stored procedure.
Example of a Changed Stored Procedure
The SQL example below shows how the stored procedure "eware_default_values " can be altered to allow a field of type "StoredProc" be added to a custom entity.

ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[eware_default_values]   
@table_name nvarchar(50),    
@identity_name nvarchar(50),   
@field_name nvarchar(50),    
@logon_no int,   
@extravalue nvarchar(50)='',    
@default_value nvarchar(128)='' OUTPUT    
/* Declare variables to be used */   
DECLARE @unique_value int   
DECLARE @ErrorSave INT   
SET @ErrorSave = 0   

IF (@table_name='Cases') AND (@field_name = 'Case_ReferenceId')    
EXEC @unique_value=eware_get_reference_id @table_name, @identity_name
SELECT @default_value=CONVERT(nvarchar(60),@logon_no)+'-'+RTrim(CONVERT(nvarchar(60),@unique_value))+@extravalue   
ELSE IF (@table_name='Solutions') AND (@field_name = 'Soln_ReferenceId')
EXEC @unique_value=eware_get_reference_id @table_name, @identity_name
SELECT @default_value=CONVERT(nvarchar(60),@logon_no)+'-'+RTrim(CONVERT(nvarchar(60),@unique_value))+@extravalue
ELSE IF (@table_name='Invoice') AND (@field_name = 'invo_number')
EXEC @unique_value=eware_get_reference_id @table_name, @identity_name
SELECT @default_value=CONVERT(nvarchar(60),@logon_no)+'-'+RTrim(CONVERT(nvarchar(60),@unique_value))+@extravalue
SELECT @default_value=''   
-- Save any nonzero @@ERROR value.   
IF (@@ERROR <> 0)   
SET @ErrorSave = @@ERROR   
-- Returns 0 if neither SELECT statement had   
-- an error; otherwise, returns the last error.   
RETURN @ErrorSave   

This assumes that the field "invo_number" has been added to the 'Invoices' table and is of type 'StoredProc". It is a good idea to make the field read only.  The field can then be added a screen. 

Self Service


If you create a case via Web Self Service API via a screen block. Then the generated reference id will be in the form 0-XXXXXXXX.

Creating a Record in Code

The use of the screen block to create the record is critical. The stored procedure will only fire when you create the record via the user interface. So if you insert a record using the COM API in for example a table level script or an external script the stored procedure will not fire and the default value will not be populated.

var username = "Admin";
var password = "";
var CRM = new ActiveXObject("eWare.CRM");
CRM.FastLogon = 3; //this prevents the meta data from loading.

//Create a Record
//Table referenced can either be an eWare table or externally referenced table
var myRecord = CRM.CreateRecord("case");
myRecord.case_description= "Test Case";
myRecord.case_primarycompanyid= 28;

myRecord.SetWorkflowInfo("Case Workflow", "Assigned")
//Use the myRecord.SaveChanges method to have the record persist in database

Running this script will result in a case with a "null" case_referenceid. This limitation will also apply to the Web Services. If you insert a case or a solution using web services then the referenceid will not be populated.

  • hi Jeff

    When using the StoredProc type field, is it possible to supply a value for the @extravalue parameter of eware_default_values?



  • I don't know of a way that will allow it to be passed.

  • Jeff:  I see in your explanation above that you indicate "the use of the screen block to create the record is critical".  Can any screen block created from the case table be used or MUST it be the CaseDetailBox?

    Also, if a case is created with code and no screen block, would it work if code was added to execute the Stored Procedure?

    Any assistance you can provide would be greatly appreciated!

    Thank you!

  • Michele

    "The use of the screen block to create the record is critical. The stored procedure will only fire when you create the record via the user interface."  It has to be a screen but doesn't have to be an existing screen.  It is triggered in much the same way that the 'create' scripts of fields are triggered.

  • Thanks Jeff!  

    You must have sent some good vibes my way because yesterday the refid was not getting created when creating a case that was not using the CaseDetailBox (because of the use of several case workflows).  Therefore, I thought not using the CaseDetailBox might be the reason as all the other boxes I could check Yes to.

    However, I look at it today and...Bang! Presto!  It is getting created and I am using a screen block specific to the desired case workflow which is not the CaseDetailBox.

    Thank you for the response and thank you for the post on how the StoredProc field works as I needed this knowledge for another project as well! :-)

  • "If you insert a case or a solution using web services then the referenceid will not be populated."

    How would one go about creating a new case via the SData 2.0 API that does have a reference id?

  • As noted elsewhere in the comments and article, fields that are associated with the storedprocedure entry type need the field to be used within a screen in order to invoke the storedprocedure.

    But the underlying physical datatype is just a nvarchar so we can pass in our own strings for example

    I can issue a 'post'  to my instance of Sage CRM  http://[servername]/sdata/[instancename]j/sagecrm2/-/cases

    with the following JSON in the Body


     "case_primaryCompanyId": 28,

     "case_assignedUserId": 1,

     "case_description": "testz",

     "case_referenceid": "wibble",

     "case_SecTerr": -2147483640,

     "case_ChannelId": 5,

     "case_primaryPersonId": 30


    Here I can quite happily create a new case with the reference 'wibble'.

  • " fields that are associated with the storedprocedure entry type need the field to be used within a screen in order to invoke the storedprocedure"

    I was not aware of that but it does explain a few things.

    Thank you!