Sage CRM EntryTypes used in the COM ASP API

Hints, Tips and Tricks

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Sage CRM EntryTypes used in the COM ASP API

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I have covered manually building screens, that is without using existing Screen or List meta data definitions in earlier posts.  These contain example code that uses the following basic struture of code to build the fields. 

var customTextEntryBlock = CRM.GetBlock("Entry");
with (customTextEntryBlock)
EntryType = 10;
DefaultType = 1
DefaultValue = "Hello World";
FieldName = "custom_text";
Caption = "TextField:";
CaptionPos = CapTop;
maxLength = 60;

We know from the documentation and the existing posts that the EntryBlock property EntryType is used to describe the nature of the field.
The Entry Type defines how the information is inputted. Additional fields may be available on the Change Database Field Properties page depending on the Entry Type you select.
This integer value used in the EntryType property of a custom EntryBlock then determines the HTML 'control' that is created within the page that is returned to the browser.

In an existing system you can see which EntryTypes are being used by examing the Meta Data table. The SQL below can be used to report on the system EntryTypes

SELECT DISTINCT dbo.Custom_Edits.ColP_EntryType, CONVERT(nVARchar(32), dbo.Custom_Captions.Capt_US) as "Caption"
FROM dbo.Custom_Captions RIGHT OUTER JOIN
dbo.Custom_Edits ON dbo.Custom_Captions.Capt_Code = CONVERT(nVARchar(32), dbo.Custom_Edits.ColP_EntryType)
WHERE (dbo.Custom_Captions.Capt_Family = N'EntryType')

Entry Type- Caption

  • 10 - Text
  • 11 - Multiline Text
  • 12 - E-mail Address
  • 13 - WWW URL
  • 21 - Selection
  • 22 - User Select
  • 23 - Team Select
  • 24 - User Multi-select
  • 25 - Product
  • 26 - Search Select
  • 27 - Intelligent Select
  • 28 - Multi-select
  • 31 - Integer
  • 32 - Numeric
  • 41 - Date & Time
  • 42 - Date only
  • 44 - StoredProc
  • 45 - Checkbox
  • 46 - Link(see below)
  • 47 - Target List Select List
  • 50 - Phone Number
  • 51 - Currency
  • 53 - Territory
  • 54 - XSL File List(see below)
  • 56 - Search Select Advanced
  • 57 - Minutes
  • 59 - Currency Symbols
The Link EntryType (46) is only used in Sage CRM in connection with System Generated screens that allow Entry of data into the telephone number fields (Phone table). You are advised to use the Phone Number EntryType(50) for you own custom fields.

XSL File List
This is an internal EntryType that is used to list the XSL stylesheets associated with different PDA Devices that are supported by Sage CRM. This is not a useable field type.
  • Very useful, thanks Jeff

  • Very helpful for determining which fields are 'links' (contain a foreign key). I now want to know the entity/table for that foreign key. Is there a way to query this in metadata?  For example, a field like 'comp_PrimaryUserId' can be parsed to extract 'User', but if a customer has a SSA field like 'comp_salesrep', how do I determine that this field links to Users?

  • Please see