Some time ago I was asked about how users of an company intranet could have a logon screen presented to them that was part of an existing intranet page that when completed would bring the user into Sage CRM. In addition, once the user had finished their work inside Sage CRM and logged out they should be sent back to the Intranet page.
At the time I was asked I was only able to refer the questioner to the article "Passing Parameters and Automatic Logons". This article will take this a little bit further.
In the example below I have assumed that all that is needed by the company is that a logon box is presented, like the one below. Once the credentials are completed and submitted the browser window will switch to the Sage CRM screens.And when the logout button is pressed it is returned to the intranet screen.
To allow enable this to happen I added the HTML for the Sage logon fields into the Intranet page:
<div align="center">
<input type="hidden">
<FORM AUTOCOMPLETE="off" name=LoginForm METHOD="POST" ACTION="/CRMdpp/eware.dll/go?logout_url=http://richardsj-lt/CRMSelfServiceDemo/intranetlogon.html">
<TABLE><TR><TD CLASS="viewbox">User Name
<input name="EWARE_USERID" CLASS="viewbox" value="" maxlength=50 size=20></TD></TR>
<TD CLASS="viewbox">Password</TD>
<input type="password" CLASS="viewbox" name="PASSWORD" value="" maxlength=20 size=20>
</TR><TR><TD CLASS="viewbox">
<input type=hidden value='' name=CHANGEPASSWORDCLICKED>Change Password</TD>
<TD CLASS="viewbox">
<input type=checkbox name=CHANGEPASSWORD maxlength=20 size=12 onClick="{this.form.CHANGEPASSWORDCLICKED.value='Y';document.LoginForm.submit();};">
var LOGONBUTTON = document.getElementById("LOGONBUTTON");
var msgint;
function Msg(){clearInterval(msgint);LOGONBUTTON.innerHTML='<BR>Please wait...<BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR>';}
<TR><TD COLSPAN=2> <tr><td rowspan="2" valign="bottom"><div align="left">
<div align="right">
<td onClick="msgint=setInterval(Msg,100);document.LoginForm.submit();" onMouseOver="window.status='Log On';return true;" onMouseOut="window.status=window.defaultStatus;return true;">
<div align="center" CLASS="viewbox">Log On</div>
<DIV style="position:absolute;clip:rect(0 0 0 0)">
<INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT CLASS="viewbox" ONCLICK="msgint=setInterval(Msg,100);">
You will need to make sure you are using the correct path in the Form Action. I have also used an additional parameter in the URL "logout_url" which allows me to control where the screen is returned to after the user logs out from the system.
<FORM AUTOCOMPLETE="off" name=LoginForm METHOD="POST" ACTION="/CRMdpp/eware.dll/go?logout_url=http://richardsj-lt/CRMSelfServiceDemo/intranetlogon.html">
Another word of warning is that this is not an official method of invoking Sage CRM so there may be some things I have not taken into account. You would need to test this technique thoroughly yourself.