As apawsey says, i'm having this issue too
Creating the Avanced Select field looks ok, adding it to a screen ok,.
I have also create a screen called AritculosSearchBox whit this configuration:
Screen type: Search screen
Foreign table: Aritculos (It is a table from Sage Murano)
Foreign table column: IdArticulos
Also created a list ArticulosGrid whit whis configuration:
Table or view to use: Articulos
I think the problem is here, the name of the table. When using the search field im guessing that takes Arituclos as a local table (as apawsey said)
When i try to use the field, it does not return data, if a click on the mag. glass and then click on the search button, gives this error:
Unexpected event: Exception: field Articulos not found
Seeing the logs, show this:
'sep. 1 2016 13:17:49.018 3136 5024 1 fselectsql,time,sql,errormsg 15 SELECT TOP 17 IdArticulo, Articulos FROM Articulos WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE (Articulos LIKE N'%' ESCAPE '|' OR COALESCE(Articulos, N'') = N'') order by Articulos Invalid column name 'Articulos''
So, i'm guessing it have someting to do with the SELECT TOP 17 IdArticulo, Articulos (Articulos is not a field in the external table) or FROM Articulos (guessing that i will be like externaldb.Articulos)
Any help would be much appreciate it