Schloss Schwanberg Part 4: Promoting the Lead (Enquiry) to an Opportunity (Booking)

Hints, Tips and Tricks

Technical Hints Tips and Tricks that cover customization and development using Sage CRM. API usage and coding are covered.

Schloss Schwanberg Part 4: Promoting the Lead (Enquiry) to an Opportunity (Booking)

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This is the fourth of a series of articles that will walk you through the Schloss Schwanberg case study.

You can download the case study used at the conference here:

You can read the all the existing articles that support the case study here: Schloss Schwanberg.

This article assumes that you have followed all the previous steps.

The previous article discussed the code that allowed an enquiry to be submitted from the corporate website and to be captured as a Lead in Sage CRM.

The enquiry needs to be processed by the user.  The case study describes how the staff of Schloss Schwanberg will need to contact the person making the prospective enquiry so that the couple can view the castle and grounds before a booking can be confirmed.

The existing Lead workflow can be used as a model for the creation of a workflow that will record the visit and communication between the castle staff and the couple planning the wedding.  This workflow is not included in the articles in this series as workflow (as a general topic) has been extensively discussed in other articles within the community site.

Mapping Lead to an Opportunity.

We do need to consider the promotion of the Lead into an Opportunity which is used in the case study to model the booking.

The Lead table had additional fields added to it.

  • lead_spouse1firstname, Text, Length 30
  • lead_spouse1lastname, Text, Length 30
  • lead_spouse2firstname, Text, Length 30
  • lead_spouse2lastname, Text, Length 30
  • lead_weddingdate, Date
  • lead_weddingtime, Selection List
  • lead_weddingguestnumber Integer, Length 2

To allow this data to be carried across into the booking, matching fields need to be added to the opportunity table.

  • oppo_spouse1firstname, Text, Length 30
  • oppo_spouse1lastname, Text, Length 30
  • oppo_spouse2firstname, Text, Length 30
  • oppo_spouse2lastname, Text, Length 30
  • oppo_weddingdate, Date
  • oppo_weddingtime, Selection List
  • oppo_weddingguestnumber Integer, Length 2

In the field definition the same selection lists can be used as within the fields of the Lead table.  

In addition, these extra fields also need to be added to the opportunity table.

  • Use Chapel (oppo_usechapel) Selection List(Yes/No)
  • Use Grand Hall (oppo_grandhall) Selection List(Yes/No)
  • Use Garden (oppo_garden) Selection List(Yes/No)
  • Exclusive Use (oppo_exclusive) Selection List(Yes/No)
  • Planned Budget (oppo_weddingbudget) (Currency)
  • Flower Package (oppo_flowerpackage) Selection List(Medium, Large, Extra)
  • Menu (oppo_menupackage) Selection List(Baronial, Royal, Imperial)
  • Chapel Bells (oppo_chapelbells) Selection List(Yes/No)
  • Music Package (oppo_musicpackage) Selection List(No, WeddingOnly, ReceptionOnly, FullWorks)

These fields can then be added to the screen OpportunityDetailBox and some unused fields were removed.

The fields need to be added into the opportunitydetailbox screen to ensure that the fields can be mapped from the Lead when converted.

The fields are mapped by setting the option within the customization area.

Administration -> Customisation -> Lead

Each of the Lead fields that contain the data captured from the website have to be mapped to the corresponding fields in the opportunity table.

Converting the Lead to the Opportunity

Before the lead can be converted, it will have to be associated with a Person.  The 'Add or Find this Person' feature needs to be used.

Once the Lead is matched to a Person. The Lead can be converted.

Existing default Mandatory fields can be changed.

In the image above many of the fields are missing information.  This information could be used within the opportunity workflow.  This, however, data needs to be maintained by the prospect themselves and the next article will discuss how to create the login to the self service website.  This will allow the customer to update and control their personal information and their instructions concerning the booking at the castle.

  • Hi Jeff,

    I was just wondering when the next article will be out in this case study?

    Thanks Jeff.


    Penny Vaskess

  • I am working on it now!