This is the first article in a series that will discuss creating a new database connection to the Sage X3 database using the standard Sage CRM features. The articles will take you through the steps so that you can understand how you can add new screens and grids to Sage CRM that will allow the listing of data and drill down into screens showing records.

This series of articles has been written to support Sage CRM partners and customers who want to extend the integration with Sage X3 by using the standard APIs and development capabilities of Sage CRM. The articles will explain the changes that are needed to be made to the Sage CRM database. The metadata that supports the extension to the integration and will be discussed as will the data and fields used to link the systems.

The Integration Choices available

From when it was first developed Sage CRM was designed for integration and extension. It has an open architecture and with its API choices and web services interfaces, Sage CRM enables easy integration with other business applications and on-demand services.

Especially Sage CRM has a range of Application Programming Interfaces which can be used to address customer-specific integration requirements. The Sage CRM SDK supports both an open web services API, a COM programming interface and .NET application extension. The Database is open with a published application data model.


The 4 Main options in Sage CRM for the developer wishing to develop a Sage CRM and Sage X3 integration

  • Codeless
    • RunBlock

  • Code Based
    • classic ASP (COM API)
    • .NET API
    • SOAP Web Services

The community has many articles that discuss each of these different techniques. This series will expand on these looking specifically at the integration with Sage X3.

Creating a new database connection to Sage X3