Sage CRM: Updating a license

Hints, Tips and Tricks

Technical Hints Tips and Tricks that cover customization and development using Sage CRM. API usage and coding are covered.

Sage CRM: Updating a license

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After you have installed Sage CRM there will come a time when you will need to make changes to its settings. I don't mean the every day administrative changes like changing the security profiles or adding a new team. I mean big changes like

  • needing to reinstall the database - typically only done when you are working working with a training or test server
  • installing the Self Service database - you might need to do this in a second or third phase of a project.
  • updating the registry - you might need to do this after restoring a backup or an machine that has had different instances of Sage CRM installed at some time
  • reinstalling the program files or resetting the IIS Aliases - you might be directed to do this by a Sage support team.


  • updating the License key.

This last possibility is the most likely one as this task will need to be done as a customer's usage of the system expands.

In this article I want to look at the different ways in which we can update the license of Sage CRM.

In Sage CRM you can see you license key under the Administration screens.

Administration -> System -> License Key Details

This screen shows the license key and the different elements within it.

It doesn't however let you change the license key. So where is the license key held, and how can we change it?

The license key is actually held in 2 locations, in the windows registry and inside the system parameter table.

The license key can be found in the register under


And the license is matched within the custom_sysparms table.

select parm_name, parm_value from Custom_SysParams where parm_name like 'licensekey'

Note!  Just about the worst thing that you can do is to manually update the registry and the database. Down that path lies weeping and gnashing of teeth. Do not make manual direct changes to the registry or Custom_SysParams table.

So what is the way to update the license key?

There are two safe ways.

The first is to re-run the installation program (setup.exe) from the Sage CRM.

You can then select "Change existing install of CRM",

You will get a list of components Select "License Key" checkbox

Enter your new license key in and overwrite your existing license

The install of Sage CRM will then update as the installation program correctly makes the changes in the registry and updates any database setting that also need to be made.

BUT the best way and safest recommended way of changing a license is to use the dedicated LicenseKeyUpdate utility.

You will find this under the installation folder.

C:\Program Files (x86)\Sage\CRM\[instancename]\License Update

Run the LicenseKeyUpdate application.

Select the Install Name for which you need to change the License Keys.

You will get an box to enter new license keys. Enter New License keys and click on Next button to proceed further.

This last method is the safest and easiest way to carry out the standard task of updating the license key and carries the lowest risk of making any changes that might damage your instance of Sage CRM.

  • Does this utility require all users to be out of CRM?

    Thanks for the tip. Should have been in a What's new guide when this feature got introduced!

  • Hi Jeff,

    Roughly how often will a license for Sage CRM expire? Is it a set number of days, or dependant on the size of the organisation and amount of use?



  • This depends on the type of license.  Licenses are keys that enable certain features and allow certain numbers of users.  This will include whether the users are named users of potentially concurrent users.  The license may have an expiry date or may be valid for a fixed number of days after installation.  But what is in the license is determined by the Sage country in which Sage CRM is sold.  The policies of Sage UK maybe different from Sage Australia.  

    Details about your license can be found in the Administration screens:

    Administration -> System -> License Key Details

  • Hi Jeff,

    Thanks for getting back to me.

    I've checked the License Key Details and can see that we have Concurrent user licensing, without an expiry date. However, sporadically, a blue banner will appear within CRM which says 'You are using an unregistered version of Sage CRM'.

    This banner doesn't reduce the functionality for any of our users, but we can't seem to determine a pattern or why this is occurring. We'd like to become more proactive so we can learn when to expect this banner and therefore need a new license key.

    Any ideas?

    Thanks, Hannah.

  • Hannah's question "A blue banner will appear within CRM which says 'You are using an unregistered version of Sage CRM'."

    This is by design and Sage monitor online the number of times a particular license has been activated. Once it exceeds a given value (5?) then it displays that message. It prevents unscrupulous use of the same licence over and over.

    But it does mean on demos and for your internal system (as a Sage business partner) this message is prominently on display which isn't ideal either.

  • Hi Jeff,

    Have you ever seen the LicenceUpdate program report an error where it thinks the system is still running a previously upgraded version. I have a customer running 7.3 who have just purchased additional users. I went to run the update program, entered the key but it failed saying the system is running 7.2?



  • Paul

    I haven't but, that doesn't mean it couldn't happen.  The utility will read from the registry so do check whether the registry settings show the correct version.

  • Thanks Jeff