What happens when a Lead is converted to an Opportunity?

Hints, Tips and Tricks

Technical Hints Tips and Tricks that cover customization and development using Sage CRM. API usage and coding are covered.

What happens when a Lead is converted to an Opportunity?

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Sage CRM integrated with Sage BMS products (e.g. Sage 100cloud, Sage 300cloud) provides a way of managing interactions with prospective customers through the initial contact with a Lead, the confirmation that the company is a valid sales opportunity through to the processing of Orders and Quotes that are then synced with the accounting system.

This article will look at what happens in the database when a Lead is converted to an Opportunity. In the image below you can see that I have matched a Lead with an existing Company.

And I have clicked the 'Convert to Opportunity' button.

What happens when I now click the 'Save' button?

  • INSERT INTO Opportunity
  • INSERT INTO OpportunityProgress

These actions create the Opportunity and its associated Progress record.

  • UPDATE Lead

This action updates the Lead. The Lead record is linked to the newly created opportunity (Lead_OpportunityID) and its status is changed (Lead_Status) to 'Opportunity'. This will have the effect preventing the further change to the Lead record through the user interface.

  • UPDATE LeadProgress

The last LeadProgress record is updated to reflect the duration at that stage.

  • INSERT INTO LeadProgress

This action records the new status of the Lead record in the progress table and its conversion to an Opportunity (Lead_Status,lead_progressnote).

  • INSERT INTO LeadProgress

This second 'insert into LeadProgress' records the new status of the Lead record in the progress table and its new status within the Opportunity workflow (Lead_Status,lead_progressnote).

  • UPDATE Communication

This action updates any Communication records (Appointments and Tasks) associated with the Lead record and creates a link to the newly created Opportunity. All communication history can now be accessed from within the new Opportunity.

  • UPDATE Users

The Users recent list is updated with the new Opportunity records details.

  • great article jeff as usual , can the action of create quote get initiated from the workflow / a workflow rule (Such as Review Quotes) that filters current active quotes for the associated opportunity get displayed via the workflow rule(without ASP if possible)  / Revise a Quote (Action) from the workflow rule trigger the display of a chosen quote by the user for revision ?

  • Kannan

    I think I need a little more from you to understand what you want to happen.  Could post a question in the forums with some screen shots to explain what you want to happen?


  • Much thanks for an extra incredible post.