• Blog Post: The Data Structure for a Notification

    A simple Notification can be of two types OnScreen Notification Email Notification Both types of Notification can be seen in the WorkflowRules table. E.g. select * from workflowrules where wkrl_ruletype = 'time' and wkrl_deleted is null OnScreen Notifications In the above example...
  • Blog Post: TableLevel Scripts and SQL TimeOuts

    Any SQL statement may take time to run and result in a timeout error. In Sage CRM the general timeout period is controlled within the Administration -> System -> Database screen by setting the Query Timeout field value. This is expressed in seconds and represents the maximum amount of time that...
  • Blog Post: Using Quick Notifications to alert users of reassigned records

    The links in this article were corrected 22nd May 2009. Oh how angry I get with myself sometimes. I am a very stupid person. Someone sends me an email entitled 'a quick question' and in my idiocy I start trying to answer the question and look up nearly 3 hours later to find I have consumed...
  • Blog Post: Using ASP Pages in Workflow

    Sage CRM has a very powerful internal workflow engine. Workflow may control the processing of data from the initial insertion of the record through to its final state. The user driven aspect of workflow is created from a mixture of workflow rules and states . The states represent the arbitrary resting...
  • Blog Post: Creating an Escalation Rule on ANY Table in CRM

    I wanted to share something with you that I learned this week. Being on the integrations team I spend lots of time working on customisations that help our integration partners to deliver really great out of the box integrations with their own products. One thing I was asked this week was whether or not...
  • Blog Post: Date and Times in Escalation Rules

    I have discussed in a previous article the structure and purpose of the SQL clause of an Escalation rule. e.g. (quot_IsQuote is not null) AND UPPER(RTRIM(quot_Status))=UPPER(RTRIM(N'Active')) AND (Escl_DateTime<#T And Escl_UserID=#U) We know that in the SQL trigger clause the #T and...
  • Blog Post: #Code Usage

    The #Codes are a set of codes that indicate to CRM as the dll parses the Meta data it should substitute these references with internal function calls. These are for use where SQL is used directly as the control mechanism to limit the data returned. #U - CurrentUser ID - Used in Escalation Rules, Dashboard...
  • Blog Post: Scripting Escalation Rules in a Component

    I found this a very interesting issue. If you have created an escalation rule outside a workflow you will not be able to find a place where the component manager script can be generated. So how or where can you get the script of an escalation rule that was created outside a workflow? If an escalation...