• Blog Post: Building List screens with FilterBoxes

    Custom Pages that contain Search screens are fussy about block positioning. The search block does not work correctly if it is included into the container following the list making it more difficult to create a screen with filterbox like behaviour. The type of Screen I am aiming at is shown here. This...
  • Blog Post: SID and Key Grabber

    I have been doing a lot of work with client applications comunicating with CRM. One of the best ways to do this is with Web Services. The issue I ran into was, "How do I make my client app awear of what CRM is doing and the context it is at?" This is why I built these two classes to help with...
  • Comment: Comment on Recent List Customisation

    Jeff Richards @jeff , its quite useful article but what if custom entity is made through DOT NET DATAPages and there is no ASP PAGE (e.g SummaryPage.asp). I have used the above convention but its not showing right page when i click on entity in recent list ?? Please advise. Thanks # #crm # #crm...