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Blog Post:
Adding a Button to Generate an SData feed based on Current Context using the ASP/COM API
Jeff Richards
I have discussed before how useful SData can be. If you know the feed details then you can use SData to extract data from Sage CRM into all sorts of applications. But there is a small snag and that is we can't expect users to know that if they want to pull out the Opportunities that belong to...
16 Sep 2011
Blog Post:
Security and the SData Gadget and ReadOnly SData provider
Jeff Richards
For an introduction to SData REST based web services then please see the article " Accessing SData Provider " Another example of how SData is used in Sage CRM's Interactive Dashboard feature can be found here: " An SData Example – the Sage CRM Interactive Dashboard SData Gadget...
17 Sep 2010
Blog Post:
Making an External Table Available as an SData Gadget in the Interactive Dashboard
Jeff Richards
Sage CRM has the ability to link to external databases and then allow the System Administrator or Implementor to build screens that look and behave very like system screens. I have written about this before in several articles Linking to 3rd Party Databases Connecting to an External ODBC database...
28 Oct 2010
Blog Post:
Sage CRM and Referential Integrity
Jeff Richards
One of the great strengths of Sage CRM is its openness. Its data model is documented and published and available to members of the Developer Program. In some applications relationships between the different entities may be fixed or defined within the database. This is not the case within Sage CRM...
3 Sep 2010
Blog Post:
An External Table can be exposed through Sage CRM's ReadOnly SData provider
Jeff Richards
I have discussed in previous articles how Sage CRM has the ability to link to external databases. Once an external database table is linked to Sage CRM the data in the table can be made available within the Interactive Dashboard. Another benefit of changing the External Access of the linked table...
28 Oct 2010
Blog Post:
Using SData to expose Group-like Data to an External Application in Sage CRM
Jeff Richards
A customer wanted to be able to access groups from an external system. I have written about the way in which groups are defined in Meta Data in the article " Reports, Saved Searches and Groups " and this may be useful as background reading. Groups can be either Static or Dynamic. Static...
30 Jul 2013
Blog Post:
Creating a new database connection to Sage X3 (Part 1)
Jeff Richards
This is the first article in a series that will discuss creating a new database connection to the Sage X3 database using the standard Sage CRM features. The articles will take you through the steps so that you can understand how you can add new screens and grids to Sage CRM that will allow the listing...
9 Oct 2013
Blog Post:
Creating a new database connection to Sage X3 (Part 2)
Jeff Richards
This is the second article in a series that discusses creating a new database connection to the Sage X3 database using the standard Sage CRM features. Sage CRM's screens are defined in Meta Data. The Meta Data is held in tables within Sage CRM and this is key to understanding how new screens...
23 Oct 2013
Blog Post:
Creating a new database connection to Sage X3 (Part 3)
Jeff Richards
This is the third article in a series that discusses creating a new database connection to the Sage X3 database using the standard Sage CRM features. I discussed in the previous article " Extending the Sage X3 Integration (Part 2) " how Sage X3 tables or views can be modelled in Sage CRM...
30 Oct 2013
Blog Post:
Creating a new database connection to Sage X3 (Part 4)
Jeff Richards
This is the fourth article in a series that discusses creating a new database connection to the Sage X3 database using the standard Sage CRM features. I discussed in the previous article " Extending the Sage X3 Integration (Part 3) " how to define the connection to the database. This...
6 Nov 2013
Blog Post:
Creating a new database connection to Sage X3 (Part 5)
Jeff Richards
This is the fifth article in a series that discusses creating a new database connection to the Sage X3 database using the standard Sage CRM features. Views that are intended to be used to list data from Sage X3 need to share a common key with the corresponding data in Sage CRM. We used as an example...
20 Nov 2013
Blog Post:
Creating a new database connection to Sage X3 (Part 6)
Jeff Richards
This is the sixth article in a series that discusses creating a new database connection to the Sage X3 database using the standard Sage CRM features. Fields that exist in the linked view in Sage X3 are mapped automatically to the Sage CRM Entry Types based on their physical database type but actually...
27 Nov 2013
Blog Post:
Creating a new database connection to Sage X3 (Part 7)
Jeff Richards
This is the seventh article in a series that discusses creating a new database connection to the Sage X3 database using the standard Sage CRM features. Previously I have shown how a simple Search screen allowing data from the Sage X3 system to be retrieved from within the Sage CRM interface can be...
4 Dec 2013
SData Query Examples
Jeff Richards
The SData 1.1 Standard provides a comprehensive query language. Sage CRM allows the use of SData within SData gadgets where feeds from external Sage applications can be consumed. It also provides read only SData feeds that allows data from Sage CRM tables and views to be accessed. The SData query language...
22 Apr 2014
Blog Post:
Sage CRM System Architecture
Jeff Richards
In this article I would like to look at how Sage CRM is designed and how its architecture enables its features. Sage CRM is a product in transition; it is moving from one architecture to another. This is a evolution that started with Sage CRM 7.0 and has continued through to the current version and...
4 Aug 2014
Blog Post:
Understanding SData & how the GCRM Contract is used in Sage accounting system Integrations
Jeff Richards
SData is the short form of 'Sage Data'. This is the HTTP-based communication protocol used by many Sage product APIs and integrations. SData is used as the basis of the integration between Sage ERP 1000 (developed in the UK) and Sage Murano ERP (developed in Spain). You can read more about...
1 Sep 2014
Blog Post:
A round up of articles to help you use the SDATA Provider
Jeff Richards
In this article I want to think how the ReadOnly SData provider can be used to extend the capabilities of Sage CRM. To do this I need to put the SData interface into some context. SData is a form of web service and as I discussed in the article " An Introduction to using the SOAP Web Services...
2 Sep 2014
Blog Post:
Sage CRM's RESTful API: SData (Part 1 of 10)
Jeff Richards
This article is the first of a new series of articles that will provide you with a jump start on developing with the new RESTful API for Sage CRM. Not everyone reading this will be familiar with SData and so I need to start from the beginning and explain what SData is and how it works. I am not going...
25 Feb 2015
Blog Post:
Sage CRM's RESTful API: SData (Part 2 of 10)
Jeff Richards
In this article I want to consider Sage CRM's Architecture, its development options and the importance that this places on the use of Web Services especially REST and SData for integration. We need to consider what is available to use now and look and what has been publicised and documented. We...
4 Mar 2015
Blog Post:
Sage CRM's RESTful API: SData (Part 3 of 10)
Jeff Richards
In this article I want to start looking at the SData in action and start to understand what the RESTful API offers. And if we are going to work with SData then we need to have an instance of Sage CRM with which we can play. Here we need to work with an instance of Sage CRM 2017 onwards. I want...
17 Mar 2015
Blog Post:
Sage CRM's RESTful API: SData (Part 4 of 10)
Jeff Richards
In this article I want to consider the way in which the RESTful API allows system administrator to easily extend the reach of the API's access to data across custom entities and views with SData. It is very useful being able to retrieve data using end points like these, http://[servername...
24 Mar 2015
Blog Post:
Adding a selection list of Person email addresses to the Email screen
Jonathan Jack
When sending emails from within CRM it's sometimes useful to be able to add in multiple people from the associated Company. To do this you can (this example uses sdata): 1) Create a view on the system to expose the necessary person information. 2) Expose the view by adding it to CRM as a table...
13 May 2016
Blog Post:
How to track a SData provider request to see the SQL that is fired.
Jeff Richards
Perhaps you want to control the logging to see the REST request get handled and then see the database interaction. You may want to see how SQL changes between users (e.g. Mayes/Admin/Ebden) and how that may effect the XML payload returned. To see that information you need to set the logging level...
17 Apr 2018