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  • Blog Post: Custom Field Search

    In CRM, the custom tables store metadata for any new fields, screens, lists or entities that are created. Sometimes when I'm working on the front end that has been heavily customised, I may need to find where a custom field is referenced in the application. For example a custom field that was...
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  • Blog Post: Building New Mobile Screens: A Round Up of Essential Articles

    Sage CRM offers native iOS and Android mobile CRM apps. The apps allow you to view contacts, opportunities, notes and customer information with or without internet access. The snag is that these apps are fixed in scope and can not be extended to include new custom entities or features. This is where...
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  • Blog Post: Metadata and Screens

    The screen shown below is the Person Summary screen from Sage CRM. The screen is built from HTML that has been returned from the Sage CRM application running in the web server as a result of a request sent from the browser. In this example it is the eWare dll that was responsible for how the...
  • Blog Post: Sage CRM: Updating a license

    After you have installed Sage CRM there will come a time when you will need to make changes to its settings. I don't mean the every day administrative changes like changing the security profiles or adding a new team. I mean big changes like needing to reinstall the database - typically only...
  • Blog Post: Advanced E-mail Management: Creating a Template

    In this article I want to discuss how new rule templates for the Sage CRM Advanced E-mail Manager can be created and which SDK resources are available to developers. I have written previously about the Advanced E-mail Manager and these articles are worth looking at again as a they provide a useful...
  • Blog Post: Advanced E-mail Management: Configuring the use of a Template

    In this article I want to discuss how the Sage CRM Advanced E-mail Manager can be configured to use different functions within script templates to allow processing of emails according to business requirements. In an earlier article " Advanced E-mail Management: Creating a Template " I discussed...
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  • Blog Post: Using the SOAP Web Service to add a Lead and set the Opened Date and Assigned User values

    Below is some example C# code that shows how to use the add() method to add a new Lead record into the Sage CRM database. The code will set the value for the Opened Date field and the Assigned User value. Note The following assumptions have been made. 1) The system is configured within the...
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  • Blog Post: An approach to recording completed marketing communications sent by an external system

    A customer uses an external system to generate marketing emails to contacts. These contacts exist as records in their accounting system that is integrated with Sage CRM. This means that the contact exists in both Sage CRM and the Sage BMS but because the emails are sent from a third party system integrated...
  • $contentType.Name: $content.Content.HtmlName('Web')

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  • Blog Post: What happens when a Lead is converted to an Opportunity?

    Sage CRM integrated with Sage BMS products (e.g. Sage 100cloud, Sage 300cloud) provides a way of managing interactions with prospective customers through the initial contact with a Lead, the confirmation that the company is a valid sales opportunity through to the processing of Orders and Quotes that...
  • Blog Post: Integration with External Systems and the Synchronization of Application Data

    Introduction Sage CRM is integration-ready straight out of the box. It can integrate quickly with Sage BMS products, as well as other external applications through secure, standards-based web services and APIs. In this article I want to discuss the different approaches that can be taken by a developer...
  • Blog Post: Reports and Graphs using Key Attribute Data

    Reports and Report Charts can only be built from views. So If we want to create a Report Chart that uses Key Attribute Data then we must first create the view. The structure of the tables that holds the key attribute data is complex and trying to work this out on our own to build a view would be a deeply...
  • Blog Post: What Reports have Charts?

    A customer had a requirement to see which reports had charts associated with them so they could consider them as Chart Gadgets in their Interactive Dashboard. It is not immediately clear from the standard report screen which reports might have a Pie chart or HBar associated with them: To allow...